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Writer's pictureMatteo Satta

The impact of climate change on cities, the Italian example

6 major italian cities are already experiencing a huge climate change with heavy consequences on every day life of their citizens, a study of CMCC Foundation says.

Credits @ dodsaland

CMCC Foundation defines itself as an organisation "in the form of a network that involves and connects public and private entities working together on multidisciplinary studies concerning issues of interest to the climate sciences".

In fact, this organisation relies on its members, important universities and research centers, and their skillsets, but its real value is creating a network aiming at enhacing "the integration and collaboration among interdisciplinary skills needed to deal with climate sciences related topics".

This research organisation has been studying the impact of climate change on 6 major italian cities, from Venice to Turin, passing through Milan, moving to the south, going from Bologna to Naples, passing through Rome.

The most innovative part of the study is the use of easy-to-read infographics and to try to define how the definition of policies may have a real positive impact, compairing the situation in the years to come with or without specific policies.

It is impressive to see how the situation is already quite compromised, as an example Venice sees its number of hot days (over 25° C), between april and october, to increase up to 95% between 1989 and 2020. At the same time, also rain days decrease mostly, but "rain bombs" increase.

The trend says that, without measures, cities may see the temperature to increase by 5% by the end of the century, Naples may see periods with up to 9 consecutive days with an average temperature of 39°C.

However, we can say that the southern cities are ones more impacted by heat days and nights, while the northern ones will risk more floods, but they will all experience problems on both heating and flooding.

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